The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine published its final report for 2021, which was previously approved at the Session of the AMCU. The document contains information on the main areas of activity of the AMCU in 2021 and achievements related to them, as well as the main trends in the work of the Ukrainian competition authority.
“In 2021, we worked in accordance with established priorities and work principles: efficiency, consistency, predictability, openness and compliance with EU standards. At the same time, the AMCU adjusted its work taking into account the new internal and external challenges faced by the State and society during the past year. The AMCU consistently and principledly protects competition, regardless of the circumstances, terms and attempts of undertakings to avoid responsibility for their violations” - says the Chair of the AMCU Olha Pishchanska in her introductory statement to the 2021 Report of the AMCU.
In 2021, the AMCU identified a total of 1,675 violations. Due to the cessation of violations of competition legislation and the prevention of unlawful losses and expenses of undertakings and private individuals, the economic effect of AMCU activity amounted to UAH 5.2 billion.
This is 12% more than the indicators of the previous reporting year. Also, the amount of the economic effect in 2021 is several times greater than the amount of State funds spent on financing AMCU expenses - UAH 313 million.
It is important that the growth of the economic effect indicator of the AMCU was facilitated by the priority given to the quality of cases over their quantity, that is, consolidation of cases and strengthening of the evidence base, while simultaneously reducing the total number of cases.
An interesting fact: one employee of the AMCU has an average of almost 3 suspended violations and almost UAH 9 million of economic effect.
Also, in 2021, AMCU detected a lot of bid rigging cases in public procurement procedures with a total value of over UAH 13 billion. And as a public procurement complaints review body, the AMCU reviewed more than 14,000 complaints during the year.
The amount of fines imposed by the AMCU in the framework of the revealed violations amounted to more than 7 billion UAH. And the amount of fines and penalties paid last year amounted to more than half a billion UAH.
Briefly, but comprehensively, the AMCU 2021 Report provides an overview of the AMCU's work by market directions within each of the spheres: services, goods, energy and utilities. At the same time, each review is a professional message from the head of the corresponding unit with a detailed analysis of the main information and examples of specific cases.
The Report also includes a section on monitoring of the implementation of decisions, supported by analytics and examples. Separately, the document provides information on the market structure, industries, types of violations and the information regarding biggest of them.
The traditional summary of the document is a list of priorities of AMCU's work for 2022.
You can read the full version of the AMCU report for 2021 by this link.