Contemporary methods of market researches and investigations and challenges that competition authorities are facing in the era of digitalization of the economy. To such main topics study visit of the delegation of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to Mexico was dedicated.
The visit took place with the support of the Federal Economic Competition Commission of United Mexican States ай(COFECE). The delegation of AMCU comprised of representatives of Department for Research and Investigation of Non-Production Markets, Office for Investigations of Certain Types of Concerted Actions, Department for Research and Investigation of Production sector, Pharmaceutical and Retail Markets, as well as European Integration and International Cooperation Section.
Study visit featured numerous discussion panels, in particular on market definitions, high-concentrated markets collusions, approaches to the new markets, COFECE's experience in investigations of barriers for competition, pharmaceutical market concentrations, screening techniques and forensic analysis.
During a separate session, participants discussed the topic of cooperation and exchange of information in the framework of the International Competition Network.
The representatives of both competition authorities agreed to share their best achievements, as well as to continue cooperation to develop new practices in competition policy, especially in the context of economic recovery after the COVID-19 crisis.
Olesia Kratko, Director of Department for Research and Investigation of Non-Production Markets of the AMCU, noted high level of organization of the visit and the effectiveness of such an exchange of experience.
"The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and the Competition Authority of Mexico have many common approaches to market identification and investigations. This gives us a great basis for cooperation. At the same time, there are areas in which our colleagues have moved forward and their experience is of great importance for us. For example, in the sphere of bid rigging investigations" Olesia Kratko said.