The Twinning* Project "Support to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in the further approximation of legal, procedural and case enforcement practices with EU antitrust and merger control practices" has officially started today. Actually, the ample name of the project precisely explains its essence - the approximation of the AMCU’s activities within the best European standards for competition protection. The scope of work is also significant - from further improvement of national legislation to internal procedures and the procedure for investigating cases in the Committee as well as the effective competition advocacy.
“We welcome the AMCU’s intention to continue strengthening competition in Ukraine in cooperation with the European partners and in alignment with the EU standards. This will contribute to further European integration of Ukraine and will strengthen our bilateral trade and wider economic links”, says Stefan Schleuning, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to Ukraine.
The idea of a project funded by the European Union is that the Committee, on a partnership basis, will be assisted by an “old” and “new” member of the European Union. This time it is being implemented by Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania (Lead partner) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the Romanian Competition Council (Junior partners). This is already the second Twinning project for the AMCU, in which Lithuanian and German colleagues are partners again. This will ensure the sustainability and consistency of decisions and the dynamics of the Committee’s development.
«It is always a challenge to ensure the sustainability of results in Twinning partnerships. The back-to-back Twinning projects with AMCU give us an opportunity to do exactly that, and I am delighted to continue working with our Ukrainian partners.», - says Šarūnas Keserauskas, Project Leader and Head of the Lithuanian competition authority.
Thanks to the previous project, the Committee uses new methods that fully comply with EU standards. Twinning project experts helped the AMCU to transform its strategies aiming at moving from investigating a significant amount of minor violations of competition law to much more significant cases for the Ukrainian markets and economy. An essential component that combines both projects is the work on improving the legislation that protects competition.
"In a previous project, our colleagues from German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, in cooperation with the Federal Cartel Office, the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania, in addition to assisting in solving practical issues and rule-making, helped to analyze the gaps in Ukrainian competition law. Today, the time has come to replenish them, and we are pleased to receive such professional and powerful assistance from our European partners," said Head of AMCU Yuriy Terentyev.
The joint work will last for two years and provides for close cooperation of specialists from the four agencies within the framework of bilateral missions and training exchanges.
The Antimonopoly Committee expresses its sincere gratitude to the EU delegation in Ukraine for the efforts made to prepare the project in such a short time and the opportunity to start work, despite the coronavirus pandemic and the relevant restrictive measures.
Additional information: Sorokina Viktoriia, tel. 044 251-61-04, e-mail:
* Twinning is a unique tool for providing international technical assistance by the European Union aiming at institutional building at the example of a similar institution of an EU Member State.