Finalization of the legislative framework necessary for the implementation of the second stage of the antimonopoly legislation reform, preparation of relevant bylaws and the results of a series of training sessions for the AMCU's specialists: the main achievements of cooperation between the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and the EU Twinning Project over the previous three months. The 12th meeting of the Steering Committee is the last one within the framework of cooperation with the project, which lasted three years.
Olha Pishchanska, Head of the Antimonopoly Committee and project leader from the Ukrainian side, thanked the experts for their fruitful work despite the difficult conditions and the need to make adjustments to previously agreed plans.
"As for the legal framework for the second stage of competition law reform, this document is currently at the final stage of preparation thanks to our joint work. This further strengthens our intention to start implementing the second stage of the reform this year. Regarding the current status of our key reform draft law No. 5431, we are currently actively communicating with MPs and the government to speed up the process of considering the document in the second reading", - said Olha Pishchanska.
Šarūnas Keserauskas, Head of the Lithuanian Competition Authority and project leader from the European partners, emphasized that even in difficult conditions the AMCU has demonstrated significant results:
"Despite all the difficulties, the AMCU was able to develop many legislative documents. And although this is the final meeting of the project's Steering Committee, our cooperation is not over. We are ready to help you as long as it is needed", - assured Mr. Keserauskas.
The project partners also expressed their hope that the key draft law No. 5431 will be adopted by the Parliament in the near future, and that active advocacy will continue until then.
The final event to summarize the results of the AMCU's joint work with the Twinning project over three years will be held on February 22, 2023. The meeting will discuss the general achievements of the project and their effectiveness. The event will be attended by representatives of the AMCU, the Project, members of the Ukrainian Parliament and representatives of other authorities.
For reference: The EU Twinning Project "Support to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in Further Harmonization of Legal and Procedural Practices of Antitrust Control over Mergers in the EU" was launched in May last year. Its goal is to bring the AMCU's work closer to the best European competition standards. The project is funded by the EU with the support of the Lithuanian Competition Council, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, and the Romanian Competition Council.